A quick renovation update as we are drowning in guests and repairs.
If you have ever undertaken a major renovation project, you know there are stages to the process. There’s excitement at first, as you make plans and blithely set budgets that you will never follow.
Then there is the exhilaration of taking a sledge hammer to whatever horrible feature you have been dying to get rid of.
Of course, once the dust is settled, you get that slight sinking feeling in your stomach as you realize a) someone has got to get all this broken up retro wood paneling and yellow tile cleaned up and hauled away and b) you can’t turn back now.
And then, once all that is cleaned up, you realize now you have to rebuild it all.
So we are getting there. The sitting room is mostly done structurally, except for the floor. The bathroom is dry walled and painted and waiting for the shower to be poured. The bedroom is torn apart and cleaned and needs to get drywall. It feels like nothing has been done (it’s still an empty room!), but we are actually moving along, and though we likely won’t get the Chestnut Suite open for the peak of leaf season, our family and pet friendly suite will definitely be open for the holidays.